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(406) 454-0056 PO Box 118, Winnett, MT 59087


The Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee (MRRIC) is a 70-member committee made up of federal, state, tribal, and stakeholder representatives from throughout the basin. MRRIC serves as a collaborative forum developing a shared vision and comprehensive plan for the restoration of the Missouri River ecosystem. The committee provides guidance and recommendations to federal, tribal, state, local and private entities in the basin on the current Missouri River Recovery Program (MRRP) for the river’s threatened and endangered species, working to restore their habitats while sustaining the river’s many uses. MRRIC was established by Section 5018 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 under the authority of the Secretary of the Army.  MRRIC stakeholders represent a wide range of interests, ensuring that the public’s values are considered and incorporated into the restoration plans. Federal agencies do not participate in decisions regarding recommendations from MRRIC, but the federal agencies support and inform the MRRIC.

MRCDC actively participates in MRRIC, working to ensure the interests of Montana’s conservation districts are represented.

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