The mission of the Council is to represent natural resource and environmental interests on the Missouri River, the associated uplands, and tributaries. This Council believes the conservation of the river and the sustainability of its various uses can best be accomplished through grassroots collaboration, education, incentives, and voluntary action.
The purpose is o provide leadership, assistance, and guidance to conservation districts along the Missouri River Corridor in order to present a unified front and collective voice when addressing natural resource issues, opportunities, and challenges. “A forum for Missouri River stakeholders to share perspectives, solve problems, and exchange information on Missouri River resource management.”
Founding Precepts
- The need for scientific information on which to base management decisions.
- The need to present a unified voice to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in sharing information and to improve communications between districts, outside entities, and local stakeholders.
- The need for technical and financial assistance to address multiple use issues on the Missouri River.
- Support local conservation district efforts to provide local leadership, assistance, and guidance for the wise use and conservation of the Missouri River’s natural resources.
#1: Encourage and promote sound conservation practices, such as “Best Management Practices” (BMPs) for multiple use of the river and adjoining lands.
#2: Facilitate conservation districts’ voice in partnerships that affect the river corridor.
#3: Enhance community involvement in river stewardship.
#4: Maintain and improve water quality.
#5: Maintain and improve water quantity at critical times.
#6: Support bird, fish, and wildlife habitat and wildlife programs compatible with agriculture and multiple use.