River Rendezvous registration, now open!
For the most up to date information, visit the River Rendezvous Project page.
For the most up to date information, visit the River Rendezvous Project page.
The Missouri River CD Council, Lewis and Clark CD, Broadwater CD, and Petroleum County CD are pleased to announce the date of this year's River Rendezvous in Broadwater County. Please putĀ August 22 on your calendar! Additional information and registration…
2024.3.1_Fort Peck Test Flow letter.v2_approved
2024.3.1_USFWS Proposed Rule on BIDEH_MRCDC Comment letter_approved
For most up to date information on this meeting, visit http://www.cmrcwg.org/.
The Missouri River Conservation Districts Council wrote a comment letter regarding the 30x30 Atlas.Our major points were: Listing definitions within the Atlas for conservation, preservation, and restoration. Past conservation efforts need included in the calculations of land that is conserved.…
The US Army Corps of Engineers has a comment period open until February 16, 2022 regarding the scoping period for the Fort Peck Management Plan. MRCDC drafted and approved a comment letter to submit. They hope to have a draft…
MRCDC approved this public comment letter to submit to BLM's Sage-Grouse Land Use Plan scoping period to hear comments regarding making amendments to their current plan. Here is MRCDC's comment letter. BLM documents related to this can be found on…